Thursday, December 17, 2009

de ce

- pentru ca nu mi-a mai placut
- pentru ca mi-am pierdut increderea
- pentru ca a trecut prea mult timp
- pentru ca la un moment dat mi-a parut in van
- pentru ca eram altfel
- pentru ca am obosit
- pentru ca se schimbase totul
- pentru ca n-am putut sa o iau de la capat
- pentru ca eram altcineva
- pentru ca nu mai recunosteam nimic

Am pus punct, am apasat enter si am inceput o fraza noua.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

for the moment, i hang suspended

"all the doors were closed
and all the windows were down, and it was in the middle of the desert-not
even vultures-and they were about to drop the Bomb"

Gene Kelly rulz :)

Poate mi-a placut asa mult sa revad filmul asta si pentru ca e atat de cald zilele astea incat filmele in care ploua au un farmec aparte. Cumva, mi se pare ca primele dati cand l-am vazut nu m-au fascinat asa de tare secventele cantate si dansate, dar acum mi se par perfecte :) e unul din filmele care pot rula la nesfarsit la mine pe monitor, pe post de fundal sonor, chiar cand nu ma uit la ele.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

At Home

Am revăzut Heima (At Home). E un documentar despre concertele neanunțate pe care le-au avut islandezii de la Sigur Ros în câteva orășele din Islanda, imediat după turneul din 2006.
Dincolo de faptul că filmul e realizat impecabil, și că muzica e minunată și imaginile sunt perfecte, am avut impresia tot timpul că transmite mai mult decât muzică și imagini.
E o întreagă filozofie în spate, e un film care nu vorbește doar cu simțurile imediate.
Undeva, în background, se simte îndemnul la o viață trăită pe îndelete, la răbdare, la liniște și la puterea de a aștepta "the better thing", as opposed to going with the flow.
Iar sentimentul pe care îl ai când se termină filmul nu se poate povesti nicicum, dar merită întru totul cele două ore în care fiecare piesă de pe albumul Takk primește propriul videoclip, în care membrii trupei isi spun povestile, si dupa care întelegi perfect de ce o astfel de muzica nu putea sa apară decât într-o astfel de țară.

Monday, July 06, 2009


it was love at first sight
when I talked to her
it was the beginning of a real good time
all I knew was her
and when I came around
love had lingered on my mind

she said on the telephone
she wished me well.
so alive with a spell
until I hung up early
I've realized
I've been dead for so long

all my memories of her
like a fading light I suffer
thinking of our love for so long
back in the early days
I saw a lot of her
she was the coolest girl in town

and when I saw her standing there
everything was all right
I took a journey in my mind
and as I saw her beauty
she was so kind
that was a good time

everyday we met it was wild
I felt like a child
I loved to see her smile
and as I played piano
I was so inspired
I always had a real good time

and when last we met
I just can't forget
I took for sure I love her bad
I just can't ignore
her loving response
I always knew she'd be all right

she made me think I was okay
and the love seemed so real
I still got feelings for her
and when I'm on tour
singing about her forever
I'll remember blessings
and the good times we had

I really tried to play the game of love
and I hate to loose
maybe I can win somehow
and so I'll dream of her
for a thousand years
until I see another girl

that's the way it always was
that's the way it always was
that's the way it always was

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

don’t be sad, I know you will,

Am aflat abia ieri ca exista, iar azi am ascultat doar piesa asta. Probabil pentru ca personajul este, de data asta, mai frumos decat muzica pe care o face. Nu stie sa cante, dar nu prea are de ales, pentru ca are prea multe de spus.
Exista un documentar despre el, se numeste The Devil and Daniel Johnston. E genul de film care iti arata, in 2 ore, cum creste si se defineste, si apoi cum imbatraneste un om, fara sa gaseasca niciodata ce cauta. Cel putin mie asta mi-a aratat. Probabil filmul vroia sa spuna altceva.

(Daniel Johnston - True Love Will Find You in the End)

Thursday, May 07, 2009

unfortunate niceties

 I always prefer to believe the best of everybody. It saves so much trouble.
Rudyard Kipling
 When someone loves you, the
way they say your name is different. 
You just know that your name is safe 
in their mouth. 
(via bitchville) (via champagne-kisses)

Wait, they don’t love you like I love you.

(via telhia)

 I wasted all your precious time.
I wasted it all on you.
from “Perfect Depth” by Pavement

I hate us sometimes. We're so shit.


(via cutewithoutthee)
 Sometimes I feel pain that isn’t mine to feel.. (via telhia)

I need to stop falling in love with people that don't exist.



 Remember, remember. This is now, and now, and now. Live it, feel it, cling to it. I want to become acutely aware of all I’ve taken for granted.
Sylvia Plath (via impeccableblahs)

 Basically my wife was immature. I’d be at home in the bath and she’d come in and sink my boats.
Woody Allen

I am everything you despise.

 I don’t know. I mean - you can be with someone and still be alone.
Martin Amis,  Money

 Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must live.
Charles Bukowski

 It seems to me that if you or I must choose between two courses of thought or action, we should remember our dying and try to live so that our death brings no pleasure on the world.
John Steinbeck, East of Eden
all this came from: i liked it. 

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

new view

primul lucru care mi-a atras atentia cand am vazut noua casa a fost ce am vazut pe geam. e cumva un progres fata de intersectia din dristor, cu tot cu shaormeria ei si cazinoul si oamenii care o populau. 
apoi, mi-am dat seama ca seamana foarte mult cu ce vedeam pe geam de la hotelul din lisabona. lipseste doar portocalul :) 



update: hm, poate seamana doar in my mind 

Sunday, May 03, 2009

I'm the greatest thing you've ever seen uh huh oh oh oh

de la ei imi placea mai mult halloween snow. dar n-am gasit-o. asa ca si asta e draguta. oricum, it's good to find nice things from time to time. 

(ezra furman & the harpoons)

loving ira glass

am descoperit This American Life acum un an sau acum mai mult de un an, si de atunci tot ascult episoade intr-o ordine nedefinita, cu pauze mai lungi sau mai scurte, dar fara sa pierd continuitatea. pana acum ma atrasese foarte tare felul in care se povesteste, vocea, vocile, inflexiunile, rasul, muzica. mi se parea ca povestile pe care le ascult sunt spuse de cineva care zambeste non stop.

aseara am vazut pentru prima oara versiunea tv a emisiunii. nu stiu de ce n-am facut asta pana acum. m-a mirat foarte tare faptul ca gazda, ira glass, arata la fel cum vorbeste. nu stiu sa-l descriu mai bine decat s-a descris singur in ultimul episod din This American Life, cand incerca sa faca portretul unui alt povestitor, dar care mi s-a parut ca seamana cu el mai mult decat cu oricine: "there's something in his set of stories that when you put them all together, somehow they seem to be telling one long story in a really nice way".

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Friday, April 24, 2009


nu mi-am inchipuit ca o simpla mutare dintr-o casa in alta ar putea declansa asa o avalansa de sentimente senzatii sufocari trairi si retrairi - care erau, de altfel, totally uncalled for.  in final, cel mai greu de mutat sunt de fapt lucrurile care nu incap in cutii si saci si nici intr-o definitie anume. lucruri mici si abstracte, greseli, maturizari, fericiri, panici. aleg sa le las. they must be the cause for mourning.  

"Infrastructure will collapse
Voltage spikes
Throw your keys in the bowl
Kiss your husband goodnight"

Friday, April 17, 2009


"i'd experienced joy, but not nearly enough, could there be enough? the end of suffering does not justify the suffering, and so there is no end to suffering, what a mess i am, i thought, what a fool, how foolish and narrow, how worthless, how pinched and pathetic, how helpless. none of my pets know their own name, what kind of a person am i?"

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


lovely raw dirty fresh old fascinating crowded romantic colored old aggressive vivid over-sunny phantomatic dark careless shadowy beautiful continuous the place of neverending fury love war cravings peace phantasy life death and everything in between