Monday, February 23, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

happy to treat you like a brother



i was walking on feet just like my fathers and my knees were trying to reach you at
your mothers cause my nose was screaming that you smelled like a lover but my hands
were happy to treat you like a brother then

we do the dance up on the plains
then i shake your shoulders
you push me down into the grains
who rubs our noses in the night? we do we do

pow pow now now pow pow now now

ive been into the plants and simple treasures
and i sew patches on pants and i get pleasure
and i dont make particular plans cause they dont matter
if you keep on foolin in bed with my sleeping patterns

we do the dance up on the plains
then i shake your shoulders
you push me down into the grains
who rubs our noses in the night? we do we do

Whats with all the changes since the time i was aware its like the apple eating people that we once were arent there
Did they empty out their pockets and debase their younger faces and you must make sure your happy when you leave your summer places
pretty little femur sitting in my cherry dream boat id be sad if your rejected from my hip bone and my knee if i sailed away from continents and touched my lovers hair then youd be very happy if i touched her there

Youd be very happy if i touched her there, i was very nervous how i felt in there i was very cautious whatd you say hey there
would you like to see me often though you dont need to see me often
cause id like to see you often though i dont need to see you often

we do the dance up on the plains
then i shake your shoulders
you push me down into the grains
who rubs our noses in the night? we do we do

Monday, February 16, 2009

born into this

born like this
into this
as the chalk faces smile
as Mrs. Death laughs
as political landscapes dissolve
as the oily fish spit out their oily prey

we are 
born like this
into this

into hospitals which are so expensive that it's cheaper to die
into lawyers who charge so much it's cheaper to plead guilty
into a country where the jails are full and the madhouses closed
into a place where the masses elevate fools into rich heroes

born into this
walking and living through this
dying because of this

because of this

the fingers reach toward an unresponsive god
the fingers reach for the bottle
the pill
the powder

we are born into this sorrowful deadliness
it will be open and unpunished murder in the streets
it will be guns and roving mobs
land will be useless
food will become a diminishing return
nuclear power will be taken over by the many
explosions will continually shake the earth
radiated men will eat the flesh of radiated men
the rotting bodies of men and animals will stink in the dark wind
and there will be the most beautiful silence never heard

born out of that
the sun hidden there
awaiting the next chapter

ch bukowski

Sunday, February 15, 2009




valea cascadelor

sambata pe la ora 11. am gasit un pegas vechi, colorat, pliabil si ieftin. sa imi explice si mie cineva de ce nu l-am luat??

Friday, February 13, 2009


la ora 9 m-a trezit telefonul. de atunci si pana acum, deci de 3 ore, ma plimb dintr-o camera in alta intrebandu-ma daca vreau sau nu sa merg la brasov. intr-un final, m-am gandit ca daca nu gasesc nici un raspuns, poate ca ar trebui sa stau acasa. 
din intamplare, in timp ce ma framantam incercand sa dau de cap dilemei, ma jucam cu niste poze care parca parca ar fi de la brasov. e ca si cand m-as fi dus de fapt...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


on the other side of casual

grand people


remember this?

it turned into this:

ciudat cum imi doream un an fara iarna, si chiar asta am primit, dar am primit doar partea urata a unui an fara iarna, adica un an fara zapada. 
cred ca atunci cand mi-am dorit un an fara iarna am vrut sa spun de fapt ca vreau un an plin de vara. dar am uitat sa mentionez. 
mai am o speranta de zapada la londra. in rest.. still waiting for the summer.