Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
for the moment, i hang suspended
"all the doors were closed
and all the windows were down, and it was in the middle of the desert-not
even vultures-and they were about to drop the Bomb"
Gene Kelly rulz :)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
At Home
Am revăzut Heima (At Home). E un documentar despre concertele neanunțate pe care le-au avut islandezii de la Sigur Ros în câteva orășele din Islanda, imediat după turneul din 2006.
Dincolo de faptul că filmul e realizat impecabil, și că muzica e minunată și imaginile sunt perfecte, am avut impresia tot timpul că transmite mai mult decât muzică și imagini.
E o întreagă filozofie în spate, e un film care nu vorbește doar cu simțurile imediate.
Undeva, în background, se simte îndemnul la o viață trăită pe îndelete, la răbdare, la liniște și la puterea de a aștepta "the better thing", as opposed to going with the flow.
Iar sentimentul pe care îl ai când se termină filmul nu se poate povesti nicicum, dar merită întru totul cele două ore în care fiecare piesă de pe albumul Takk primește propriul videoclip, în care membrii trupei isi spun povestile, si dupa care întelegi perfect de ce o astfel de muzica nu putea sa apară decât într-o astfel de țară.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 06, 2009
it was love at first sight
when I talked to her
it was the beginning of a real good time
all I knew was her
and when I came around
love had lingered on my mind
she said on the telephone
she wished me well.
so alive with a spell
until I hung up early
I've realized
I've been dead for so long
all my memories of her
like a fading light I suffer
thinking of our love for so long
back in the early days
I saw a lot of her
she was the coolest girl in town
and when I saw her standing there
everything was all right
I took a journey in my mind
and as I saw her beauty
she was so kind
that was a good time
everyday we met it was wild
I felt like a child
I loved to see her smile
and as I played piano
I was so inspired
I always had a real good time
and when last we met
I just can't forget
I took for sure I love her bad
I just can't ignore
her loving response
I always knew she'd be all right
she made me think I was okay
and the love seemed so real
I still got feelings for her
and when I'm on tour
singing about her forever
I'll remember blessings
and the good times we had
I really tried to play the game of love
and I hate to loose
maybe I can win somehow
and so I'll dream of her
for a thousand years
until I see another girl
that's the way it always was
that's the way it always was
that's the way it always was