Tuesday, October 28, 2008



se spune ca e mai bine sa faci lucruri banale decat sa nu faci deloc. ha.
ele sunt crizanteme. cred. le-am cumparat pentru ca babutza care le vindea parea foarte nefericita si parea sa ii fie frig si rau. nu stiu daca am facut-o pe ea sa se simta mai bine, sau pe mine.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


din dexter, cel mai mult mi-a placut, pana la urma, muzica. dar nu asa, oricum, ci neaparat pusa pe imaginile alea cu oameni care fac lucruri banale la prima vedere, dar de fapt ascund mistere oribile si imposibil de imaginat vreodata. si toate filmate in slow motion. perfect ca sa te puna pe ganduri.

muzica, Daniel Licht.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

sunlight makes me paranoid

mi-a spus cineva ca piesa asta i-a creat mult timp obsesii. am ajuns la concluzia ca are potential. cu mine a reusit.



de la gina

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


si asa as vrea sa vina vara. ce-ar fi sa fie fara iarna anul asta?

Monday, October 20, 2008

elephants :)

uneori mi se intampla sa raman zile intregi sau, mai nou, luni intregi, blocata intr-un bol de sticla. nu mi se intampla nimic, nu ma atinge nimic, nu ma misca nimic. si apoi apare un clip ca asta si totul se dizolva.

n-am putut sa ma abtin sa nu il pun aici, pentru ca e o piesa atat de tare si are un clip genial, si camera aia din el e asa de plina de tot felul de resurse, iar trompeta de la malul marii e toata treaba.

(beirut - elephant gun)


imi place sillitoe :)

“I was born dead, i keep telling myself. Everybody’s dead, i answer. So they are, i maintain, but then most of them never know it like i’m beginning to do, and it’s a bloody shame that this has come to me at last when i could least do with it, and when it’s too bloody late to get anything but bad from it.
Then optimism rides out of the darkness like a knight in armour. If you loved her... (of course i bloody-well did).... then you both did the only thing possible if it was to be remembered as love. Now didn’t you? Knight in armour goes back into blackness. Yes, i cry, but neither of us did anything about it, and that’s the trouble”.

Alan Sillitoe, “The Fishing-Boat Picture”

“All of which will make me think twice about how black i sometimes feel. The black coal-bag locked inside you, and the black look it puts on your face, doesn’t mean you’re going to string yourself up or sling yourself under a double-decker or chuck yourself out of a window or cut your throat with a sardine-tin or put your head in the gas-oven or or drop your rotten sack-bag of a body on to a railway line, because when you’re feeling that black, you can’t even move froim your chair. Anyway, i know i’ll never get so black as to hang myself, because hanging don’t look very nice to me, and never will, the more i remember old what’s-his-name swinging from the light-fitting. (...) because you know, i shan’t ever kill myself. Trust me. I’ll stay alive half-barmy till i’m a hundred and five, and then go out screaming blue murder because i want to stay where i am”.

Alan Sillitoe, “On Saturday Afternoon”

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's all happening!

Si am vazut unul din ACELE filme aseara. "Almost Famous" (Cameron Crowe) povesteste despre rock’n’roll-ul din anii ’70, despre o trupa care reuseste sa cante rock'n'roll in anii aia, si despre un baiat care le descrie povestea in Rolling Stone.
Poveste simpla simpla despre toate stralucirile posibile ale unei lumi cu care am avut - sau am - ceva tangente. Doar ca din film, si din ceea ce a lasat filmul in urma, a reiesit ca lumea asta ar putea fi mult mai frumoasa, mult mai sclipitoare, decat este pentru mine. Oamenii sunt mai frumosi atunci cand vrei sa fie frumosi, ranile se vindeca mai repede cand inveti sa razi de ele.
Mi-a placut personajul Penny (Kate Hudson), pentru ca a stralucit in toate cadrele din film, chiar si atunci cand se sinucidea. Si mi-a placut William, pentru ca a stiut cum sa faca lucrurile sa i se intample. Asa cum eu nu am stiut, cel putin pana acum.